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NOV 17

Hosted by: Prof. Dr. Nancy Landrum

You’ve heard about the circular economy, but exactly what does that mean? You’ve probably heard it includes recycling and zero waste, but it is so much more! In this short introduction to the circular economy, you will learn about biological and technical material flows and the various activities that keep resources in use to create a regenerative and circular economy.

Hosted by: Prof. Geoffrey Lipman

Prof. Geoffrey Lipman will be speaking about climate friendly travel, the importance of DASH-2-Zero, the earth council, and he will be announcing the winners for the Strong Earth Awards (SEYS) Position Paper.

Hosted by: Alvaro Hidalgo

Why the Climate pledges are so difficult to fulfill? In the end, it’s all about money COP26 is on its path to become yet another conference in which world leaders talk but leads nowhere. Finance is at the core of policies related to Climate Change and its lack is the main reason why these policies are not implemented. The Keynote will cover the impact of finance in such policies, from subventions to fossil fuels to the drivers of investment in clean technologies.

Hosted by: Gustavo Berlanga

  • Global trends for 2030

  • Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability definitions

  • Why is so important for humanity to be responsible

  • Some sustainable examples at Gigante Restaurant Group (GRG)

  • Sustainable model at GRG

  • Brainstorming on how to be sustainable in a personal and professional way.

  • Learnings and final comments

Hosted by: Daniel Levine

The world of hospitality has changed a lot recently. Understanding consumer trends is an important part of sales, yet few businesspeople are really good at identifying the motivations that drive consumer behavior. Join global trends expert Daniel Levine as he unveils our quickly changing hospitality landscape and spotlights organizations, brands and products that are taking this world to new places. Revealing what customers are thinking and feeling, Daniel unmasks the values and attitudes that underpin guest behaviors. Then he will offer suggestions that hospitality professionals (including revenue managers!) can embrace trends to attract customers and increase sales for the long-term. With fresh rules creating new winners (and losers) there’s no time to waste.

Hosted by: Christine Young

1. Tourism in the Caribbean
2. Challenges (climate change, solid waste)
3. Waste Management & solutions
4. Climate Change & solutions
5. Loss of biodiversity
6. Island innovations (what various countries in the Caribbean are doing to innovate re: sustainability)

Hosted by: Alexandros Tzianoumis

At commercial scale, renewable energy acquisition presents regulatory, financial, and ethical short and long-term challenges. Alexandros will explain the best options for acquiring renewable energy and energy attributes in order to increase competitiveness and facilitate the transition towards decarbonization, in the context of the hospitality industry.

Panelists: Cassia Patel, Tora Löf, Naomi Mackenzie, Selma Abualia, and Charlotte de La Baume

Panel discussion on how women in top positions within the industry are challenging waste through different initiatives.

NOV 18

Hosted by: Laura Turley

Procurement means to acquire or buy something. In this short workshop, we will talk about sustainable procurement – how to make purchasing decisions based on values of environmental, social and economic and sustainability. Laura will share her knowledge of sustainable procurement in the public sector, and we will discuss lessons, examples and opportunities for the hospitality sector.

Hosted by: Matthew Lambert

  • Manned mission to mars , hyperloops and vast electric car networks

  • Disruptive, Incremental and Radical Innovation are well known forms of innovation. Is there another? This talk will explore a new form of Innovation through a narrative of grassroots developments; and importantly how these learnings can be applied into a framework that may address our most basic but underserved problems.

Hosted by: Maria Morán

In this seminar we will discuss what dune ecosystems are, discussing on their structure and biodiversity composition. We will also discuss the importance of these ecosystems, which are their main threats and how ProDunas works to ensure their conservation. Finally, we will have time for questions.

Hosted by: Lorraine Jenks

Tourism and Hospitality are two of the most valuable industry sectors in our economies; also, two of the most vulnerable to disruptions, and sadly, two of the most environmentally damaging. As future owners and operators, your value chains encompass almost every aspect of production and consumption. This gives you incredible power to be change agents and responsible industry leaders.
During this workshop we will summarise causes and impacts of climate change and ecocide; review the latest reports, targets and pledges; demystify trending jargon; enjoy a virtual walkabout through a typical hotel to identify materials, products and practices “of concern”; learn how to make better choices; unpack the principles of conscious procurement and greener supply chains; discover tools, tips and technologies for easy supplier evaluation; consider future disruptions and how to prepare and adapt; hear some success stories and good news; leave with the knowledge and courage to demand a safer future.

Hosted by: Pierre-André Kruger

Becoming autonomous is probably one the most challenging goals our civilization has to achieve. At Nomad lodges Amazonas we are ninety percent autonomous in terms of energy thanks to a vast network of solar panels, rainwater collection and three sources of drinking water located on the ninety-six hectares of our private reserve. This keynote will be about how the industry can work together with local communities to help achieve company goals while giving back to the environment.

Hosted by: Nicolas Gomez

Brief description of presentation: Sustainability is the buzz of the moment, from countries to global organizations, from the largest global corporates to the smallest SMEs, everyone is willing to get on board of the revolution. Amidst all of it, the risk of greenwashing and permanent damage to the brand, and in last round, to the planet, and to ourselves. In this conference, we will look at the big problem that greenwashing is becoming, and we will present ways to avoid it.

Panelists: Robert Rauch, Matthew Lambert, and Pierre-André Kruger

A panel discussion on how the industry is finding sustainable solutions in locations where sustainability is a challenge.

Hosted by: Robert Rauch

Trends to be discussed include advances in: Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing and Technology and Gen Z Robotics and Virtual Reality Sustainability The Playing Field now includes Airbnb, VRBO and more Cyber Security The Sophisticated General Manager.

NOV 19

Hosted by: Roberto Rodriguez Garcia

The tourism sector is a global force for economic growth and development. The sector serves as a catalyst for innovation and entrepreneurship, facilitating the transformation of whole communities and the improvement of lives for millions of individuals. Tourism also plays a part in protecting our planet and its biodiversity. The outbreak of COVID-19 has impacted countries in different ways, but national lockdowns and travel restrictions has made tourism one of the hardest-hit sectors.

Hosted by: Dr. Nicola Palmer

The session will highlight reflective practice as a means to build on the ideas of the past in implementing sustainable innovative approaches to hospitality across generations.

Hosted by: Ian Yeoman

A decade ago, the iPhone didn’t exist. Now, we’re all equipped with a pocket-sized supercomputer. In fact, this computer is more powerful than the computer that put man on the moon. Words such as internet of things, ubiquitous computing, holograms, gestural interfaces, facial recognition systems, automation, light computing and artificial intelligence are all leading us to the concept of technological singularity. The transformational effect on the future of tourism through the world of Sci-Fi.

Panelists: Selma Abualia, Matteo Salas

Panel about sustainable cooking and dining in restuarants.

Hosted by: Prof. Dr. Willy Legrand

This is the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration but also the decade of decarbonisation – two sides of the same coin. As an industry, we impact or are impacted by all ecosystems, whether is it farmland restoration or forest, grasslands, oceans, the hospitality sector benefits directly from the natural capital. Cities are also an ecosystem which plays a role in improving air quality and water management; absorbing pollutants and reducing noise pollution. So bringing nature back in the city is in vogue and hotels offer the perfect stage. In the urban hotel environment, nature-based solutions play a decisive role in tackling staff, guests and community well-being. It is equally about adding value to the real estate, anticipating the regulatory risks, attracting a workforce and future proofing the business. A call for hoteliers to assume a role as the new green guardians.

Hosted by: Rick Vanzura

  • Address global issues with sustainability and food access in agriculture

  • Talk about how Freight Farms’ solutions were designed to address those issues

  • Discuss the opportunities our farms create for chefs to tailor produce to target specific characteristics

  • Provide a point of view on how sustainable, modular farming might evolve in the context of anticipated technology evolution and the IPCC report on climate change

Prize Giving and closing speeches.

Organized by Les Roches Crans-Montana, Switzerland

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