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Dr. Melissa Sikosana

Biomimicry Practitioner at Learn Biomimicry

Melissa is an innovative thinker equipped with a wild curiosity for nature-inspired design. She dances between engineering, biomimicry and innovative thinking, all whilst completing her PhD in biomaterial science. She holds a Master's in environmental process engineering and practical experience working in biomimicry as a project manager and water specialist. She’s professionally covered topics ranging from nutrient and energy recovery from ‘water carried waste’ to, biomimicry indicators for urban hydrological cycles (BPrac 2015), and self-cleaning water containers. 

Her most recent project is her PhD, co-developing bioinspired antiadhesive surfaces and antimicrobial coatings for use in low-cost water treatment. Melissa is a natural optimist and is excited by an opportunity to co-create functional and simple, socio-technological interventions that improve how people and communities function. 

Professional Interests: Engineering, water, design thinking, life cycle assessments and circular economy

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